Dear Child of God, You are loved more than you may ever know. Your parents love you so much. Your grandparents spoil you as good grandparents do - with amazing food, gifts, stories, hugs, snuggles, smiles and more. Your aunts and uncles think you are the cutest, and all turned out and stood with you and for you at your baptism.
The love doesn't stop there. Our St. Andrew's church family loves you so much and now we hold you in our hearts! We have welcomed you as a Child of God and promised to support you with ongoing love and spiritual guidance along the way.
By water and the Spirit, you are claimed dear Child of God. God's promises and call are true. "Do not be afraid, for I am with you." "I have called you by name, you are mine." "Come and follow me." You are promised. This past Sunday promises w
ere made for you and on behalf of you, by your parents, and your godparents, alongside our St. Andrew's United Church community of faith. Not only does God make a promise and claim on each one of us, but we make promises to each other, and for each other, as God's people together. Some day when you are a bit older, you will hopefully affirm those promises on your own. But for now, know that your big loving family and this loving community are holding you. And there's nothing more beautiful and wonderful than that!
God's Richest Blessing Child of God, as you grow in your faith!