It's time for refreshing! There is much excitement around the church these days; STEM camp keeps the Fellowship Hall full of happy voices, and more and more people are stopping by the office, helping with programs, and attending church. There are new people walking through our halls, and people who haven't been around for a while are coming back.
As we welcome all these visitors and familiar friends, we have noticed that the main floor hallways need to be refreshed. Devon and Greg are working with the Property Committee to plan and execute "The Great St. Andrew's Painting Project". In just one day we are going to paint all the main floor hallways - walls and ceiling!
We need volunteers to help clean, prepare walls, paint, and tidy up afterwards. There are several ways you can get involved:

Show up in your paint clothes and offer your time. Many hands make light work!
Invite other people you know to come help
Donate funds - we are going to supplement the Property Committee's budget by raising $1,000.00 for paint and supplies. Contact Barbara Robbins at stantreasurer@bellnet.ca to send your donation to the "Fix It Fund".
Be a cheerleader! Volunteers always need moral support!